Friday, January 30, 2009

Your eyes

In your eyes there is a peace I don't understand
There's an ocean of tears with no ripple or wave
There is a strength I don't comprehend
And such a Silence, Quiet as the grave

In your eyes is intimidating stillness
A constant storm with no wind or sound
Endless motion yet no friction
Lightening strikes but does not touch down

So much to say, no way to say it
A melody no way to play it
Power beyond your wildest dreams
Trapped behind bars of memories

In your eyes lay promises broken
Bits and pieces of words unspoken
But more than those, lays quite serene
A level of you that's yet unseen

Stronger than your pain there's Joy
Future brighter than your past
Strength far greater than your weakness
Endurance far beyond your path

Beginnings wont compare to ends
Your journey is so far from through
A mighty fortress there you stand
Everyone sees it, everyone but you

In your eyes there is a peace I don't understand
And you wonder why I'm afraid to look?

Musically Inclined

The man is a composer,
makes music with his touch
I've got a need for his melody,
His song gives me a rush
When he walks into the room,
I can feel the heat
'Cause he's about to put it down,
And I've got front row seats.

His hands to my neck,
Soft as the picolo
His lips they follow close behind,
Like 'welcome to the show'
He whisper harmonies to me,
His fingers in my hair.
"Tell me what it is you want"
Damn, do I hear music in the air?

He's got a perfect pitch
And his tone is so refined
Forgive me if I am a fan,
the man is musically inclined.

He holds me like I'm his guitar,
And knows how to strum my strings
Or like the grand piano
The way he tickles my ivories
My body moves to his music
like the waves within the seas.
No slowin' down, once he's warmed up
To lead his symphony.

His kisses smooth as alto sax,
The way they leave his lips.
They settle like the beat of the snare,
on my back, my neck, my hips.
His rythem is intoxicationg,
Damn if I can sit still.
Something about it is hypnotic,
Bends me to his will.

His lyric is amazing,
His ballad's so devine
A workman worthy of his hire,
The man is musically inclined

His sweet refrain wraps itself
Around my silhoette
And its somethin' like the rain,
because its bound to get you wet
If Darious is The blues in Nina's left thigh,
And the funk thats in her right,
Than he's the gospel in my mornng song
And the jazz that fills my night

I bet you think I'm trippin'.
Like he's got me out my mind
But I'm sorry yawl I can't help it,
The man is musically inclined

So dont mind if I pay extra
And get a backstage pass
But baby-boy plays that west coast swing
That makes you shake it fast.
Can't control myself around,
His beat, his song, his tone
Shake at the thought of his strokin' me
Like he strokes his trumbone

He plays me like he plays the keys,
And gives me all he has
Way too deep to be hip hop,
My papa is that jazz

Thats why I run the fan club,
He's got my soul entwined
There's nothing more that I can say,
The man is musically inclined.

Can a sistah get an encore?

Poetry: Sweet Addiction

I close my eyes and feel you near me
I taste your presence on my lips
Your voice caresses my inner melody
I feel your rhythm in my hips

I taste your presence on my lips
Your hands watch me from across the room
I feel your rhythm in my hips
Don’t leave me now, it’s much too soon

Your hands watch me from across the room
Still you touch my insides deep
Don’t leave me now, it’s much too soon
All my secrets, yours to keep

Still you touch my insides deep
Teasing me with measured brisk
All my secrets yours to keep
Taunting them with accelerated tediousness

Secret melody

He is my inner song, My secret melody

The tune that is whispered over the summer breeze

He hum of the hummingbirds, the rustling in the trees

The lapping of the ocean and the buzz thats in the bees

He is my inner song, My secret melody

Thought I was good before him? You ought to see me now

The pride thats in my step, the stature of my brow.

If it seems I'm arogant, this you must allow

He is my inner song, He is my soul somehow

Created in God's image, but fashioned to fit me

And no surprise, that in his eyes, Hope is all I see

I'm swinging on his base line, and dancing to his beat

He is my inner song, My inner Melody

Until the day he finds me, I'll keep tapping my feet


We met in a memory

Embraced in a dream

He held me in the passing

Of a warm summers breeze

We danced to a whisper

And moved into spring

Resided in our hopes

Made love in melodies

His eyes were so familiar

His presence just like home

But like the mist he's risen up

And like the past he's gone

Similar to the seasons

He's gone about his way

I just made him up

And even he wont stay

Release Therapy

It's what you get when you put all nonsense aside

When you tune out every voice but your own and God's

When you focus on your focus and nobody else's

When you let people go who drain who you are

It's what happens when your're alone with your thoughts

And you know nobody sees you in a crowded room and its okay

The pressure you feel leave your chest when you exhale

Its that first thing in the morning smile

The feeling after finishing your last mile on the treadmill

What you get when you know you've made it

Its when you see him and its okay

How it feels when you learn to say no

When you do something exclusively for yourself

When you learn to give selflessly without giving yourself

How you feel when you reach a goal



